

NewgenAircon Accessories

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Teak Timber Grills
T12X6RA 12" x 6" Teak Return Air Grill Air grills teak
T16X4RA 16" x 4" Teak Return Air Grill
T1OX1ORA 10" x 10" Teak Return Air Grill
T12X12RA 12" x 12" Teak Return Air Grill
T10X6DA 10" x 6" Teak Discharge Air Grill
T12X6DA 12" x 6" Teak Discharge Air Grill
T16X4DA 16" x 4" Teak Discharge Air Grill
Cherry Timber Grills
T12X6RA 12" x 6" Cherry Return Air Grill Air Grills cherry
T16X4RA 16" x 4" Cherry Return Air Grill
T1OX1ORA 10" x 10" Cherry Return Air Grill
T12X12RA 12" x 12" Cherry Return Air Grill
T1OX6DA 10" x 6" Cherry Discharge Air Grill
T12X6DA 12" x 6" Cherry Discharge Air Grill
T16X4DA 16" x 4" Cherry Discharge Air Grill
Please note:
* All timber grills are painted with a clear semi gloss finish.
* All timber grills can be supplied in custom sizes
* All timber grills can be supplied in different types of timber

e.g. Rock Maple, Beech, Ash, Oak

* Timber discharge air grills are constructed from solid timber with two sets of vertical and horizontal moveable louvers

* Timber return air grills are constructed from solid timber with one set of fixed timber horizontal louvers and filter

Plastic Grills
RBPDG4 4" Round Beige Plastic Discharge Grill w/shut off

Plastic grills

RBPDG6 6" Round Beige Plastic Discharge Grill w/shut off
RBLPDG3 3" Round Black Plastic Discharge Grill w/shut off
RWHPDG3 3" Round White Plastic Discharge Grill w/shut off
Plastic discharge grills

* Roundplastic 4" & 6" discharge grills are available in beige and designed to shut off for head installation

* Round plastic 3" discharge grills are available in black & white and designed with rotatable blades for helm dash installation


Installation Guideline

Flexible Insulated Ducting
FID3 3" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre
FID4 4" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre
FID5 5" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre
FID6 6" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre
FID7 7" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre
FID8 8" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre
FID10 10" Flexible Insulated Ducting per metre

Flexible ducting







Inadequate air flow is a leading cause of complaints and can significantly shorten the life of the Marvair unit. The air distribution system must be engineered to ensure sufficient air flow throughout the system. This includes proper duct sizing and sufficient open area on the supply and return grills.

Duct work guidelines

• Duct work must be firmly attached, secured and sealed to prevent air leakage.
• Use transition boxes and air divider boxes with duct to split and route the conditioned air as required.
• When using insulated flexible duct, make sure that the inner duct is secured and sealed to an adapter before pulling the insulation over the connection.
• Install the supply air grills high on cabin wall to create good air circulation.
• Stretch the duct tight in straight runs.
• Make the bends and turns as large as possible. Secure the duct so that is remains in its installed position.
• Always use insulated duct to prevent condensation.
• Insulate all transition and air divider boxes.
• If duct is in a storage or other high traffic area, protect it from being crushed by a shield or box.
• If the duct must be run through areas containing engines or fossil fuelled devices, it is absolutely mandatory that the duct system be air tight to prevent carbon monoxide and any other hazardous gases or vapours from being introduced into the air system.

Air Flow Noise

Air moving though duct work and across the blades in the grills and louvers generates sound.

The faster the air, the greater the sound. To keep sound to acceptable levels, the cross sectional area of the duct must be large enough to keep the velocity below 600ft/min (3m/sec). Air flow faster than this is likely to cause noise complaints.

Grill Transition Boxes
GTB10X6 10" x 6" Grill Transition Box Only Grill transition boxes
GTB12X6 12" x 6" Grill Transition Box Only
GTB16X4 16" x 4" Grill Transition Box Only

Grill Transition Boxes With 1 Hose Adapter
GTBHA10X6 10" x 6" Grill Transition Box w/1 Hose Adapter Grill transition box with hose adapter
GTBHA12X6 12" x 6" Grill Transition Box w/1 Hose Adapter
GTBHA16X4 16" x 4" Grill Transition Box w/1 Hose Adapter

All transition boxes can be supplied fitted with any 1 hose adapter available

Air Divider Boxes
ADB5.5 5 ½" Air Divider Box Only Air divider boxes
ADB6.5 6 ½" Air Divider Box Only
ADB7.5 7 ½" Air Divider Box Only
Air Divider Boxes With 3 Hose Adapters
ADBHA5.5 5 ½" Air Divider Box w/3 Hose Adapters Air divider boxes with hose adapter
ADBHA6.5 6 ½" Air Divider Box w/3 Hose Adapters
ADBHA7.5 7 ½" Air Divider Box w/3 Hose Adapters
Hose Adapters
HAR3 3" Hose Adapter Round

Hose adapters

HAR4 4" Hose Adapter Round
HAR5 5" Hose Adapter Round
HA05 5" Hose Adapter Oval
HAR6 6" Hose Adapter Round
HA06 6" Hose Adapter Oval
HAR7 7" Hose Adapter Round
HA07 7" Hose Adapter Oval
HAR8 8" Hose Adapter Round
HA08 8" Hose Adapter Oval
Hose adapters

P3 Panel Insulated Transition and Air Divider Boxes can be supplied to custom made sizes

Electric Damper
ED6 6" Electric Damper 240V 50Hz Electric damper
ED8 8" Electric Damper 240V 50Hz